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We have succeeded in tackling the world’s difficult issues of Shenhua CTL

Author:admin  Source:成都植源  Time:2010-4-3

On July 16th, 2008, Shenhua and Chengdu Zhiyuan signed a two-year framework procurement agreement stipulating that Shenhua gave the priority to purchase ZY-LOC and  in return Zhiyuan offered Shenhua certain price concessions, timely service and a solution to any problems of the similar foreign products. When Xu Zhi told the story of the signed agreement, the reporter can not help giving him a thumb-up. Xu Zhi once received Shenhua's call urgently asking , him to help solve USA grayloc problems. To prevent Shenhua from any losses, Xu Zhi and his team immediately rushed to the scene to see what happened.




General manager Xu Zhi and chief engineer Hou Liangping was surveying in Shenhua site


Due to the whole heat treatment in the process of manufacturing, the key coal-liquefying equipment "hydrogenation reactor" Shenhua bought from L/D Company in India encountered a deformation of ovality angle 0.28mm on the sealing surface of equiped DN450 USA grayloc with F321 HUB, which made the original sealing ring uninstalled and its HUB unrepairable through light knife. None of engineering technicians on the site and other  domestic experts find a solution.  As Shenhua did not buy the product directly from USA grayloc, USA grayloc corporation would not like to deal with the issue and at the same time India L/D company was also reluctant to solve the issue by some excuses.

Xu Zhi and Hou Liangping rushed to the site to analysis reasons and confirmed heat treatment led to the deformation of USA grayloc. Through repeated observation, measurement and calculation, they thought it could only be resolved by using the deformation of Zhiyuan's sealing ring to compensate for foreigners HUB deformation compensation, if feasible, also not sure, so we can say, in Shenhuaconstruction site is a "world problem".

In this regard, Shenhua has no choice, only bet on "originated" body.

Xu Zhi told reporters: "we all know better than anyone, although the basic principle ofthe flange four countries are similar, but the structures are different, if" originated "to solve the problem, a considerable difficulty and risk, and the sealing ring materialoriginal special, very expensive, if not solved, will delay the schedule. But if measures are not taken, also suffered heavy losses."

He introduced the thinking, and Hou Zong took counsel with the final they take thecalculation method of "originated" structure theory, by changing the sealing ringsealing lip angle, sealing strip width and thickness, calculate whether meet therequired strength and sealing socket (HUB) deformation elliptical roundnesscompensation requirements, re manufacturing and deformation socket (HUB) sealing ring matching. "After repeated study, calculation and testing, we immediately under asingle, all through the night to rush for the sealing ring, and sent by plane shaped sealing ring will be sent to Inner Mongolia site, eventually suppressed successfully,solved this one difficult problem, solved as pressing danger for shenhua."

"A complete calculation method of structure strength with our many years research,save the Shenhua coal oil project progress." Back at the time of the case, Xu Zhiexpress volumes. He smiled and told reporters, after this, Shenhua on plant source of the company's ZY-LOC thoroughly agree, that originated in product quality, delivery cycle, price, after sale service, solve the foreign products in the construction of various problems in the ability and reputation can meet the requirements of Shenhua,the vegetation and signed in front of the source mention of the frame agreement.

Xu Zhi said firmly, in the process with the Shenhua cooperation, they have been taking Shenhua engineering requirements as the source of the company direction,high positioning like ZY-LOC are also rising. And whoever the cooperation, all must have the sense of responsibility, can not be divorced from the original R & D "high-pressure self tight flange" original intention. "A technical research and development personnel,not only products to first-class technology, first-class service quality, more first-class!Sincerely hope to cooperate with the more friends, together to do more contributionfor the national industry.

? 2014 Chengdu Zhiyuan Machine Science & Technology Co., Ltd. / TEL:028-85266505 85266063 85266506 / FAX:028-85266506-8009 / Email:cdzykj2002@163.com
ADD:D1-1301, Fund International Plaza, No. 6, Hangkong Road, Chengdu, Sichuan
